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Saturday, June 30, 2007

A night off!

Last night Chandler stayed over at Mimi and Gumps house so we could have a night off. It was nice of course i still woke up twice and was up for good at 7:45 but that is much better than my normal 6:00 am or better yet 4:30 am. I think Chandler had a great time. Here are a couple of pictures Marie sent me.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Daddy you are FUNNY!!!

Family Fun

Last night we had Amber and Starr over for our Wednesday night/Thursday day ritual Of Ice cream and a movie and then we went to the pool for some competitive fun.
I don't know who loves who more...can you tell?? Just a little love tap.
BTW how cute are these girls?
You gotta love that boy!

Not ANOTHER picture.
I Said NO more pictures!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Little Monkey boy!

I put Chandler in his crib so I could get some things done, not fooling myself by thinking he would take a nap I sat him up playing with some toys. I heard some grunting and shrieking so I peak in to see what he is doing and what do I see???
Chandler trying to pull himself up in the crib. So of course I ran to grab the camera and document the occasion.

Thank God I had just lowered the mattress or I would have been picking him up off the floor.

And just like that he's down!

Yet another exciting event in our lives.

Monday, June 25, 2007

A hunting we will go.

So today Chandler was fascinated with the hunt for the cheerios game.

The cheerio got covered by the burp cloth and then Chandler excitedly went on the hunt.
It was especially interesting when the cheerio got stuck to the cloth or Chandler's sticking little hand.

Look Mom I found it...it was really ALL about the hunt he didn't eat them once they were found he set them free...it appears that the natural habitat for cheerios is the floor.